Friday, March 16, 2012

Eye or Ocular Psoriasis

Ocular psoriasis results in inflammation of the eyes, dryness and discomfort. ocular psoriasis symptoms may casue scales or flaking around the eye lashes. The edges of the eyelids may become red and crusty. If inflammation continues for long periods of time, the rims of the lids may turn up or down. If the rim turns down, lashes can rub against the eyeball resulting in additional irritation.

Ocular symptoms may occur in approximately 10% of psoriasis patients. Ocular involvement is more common in men than in women. It is rare to have involvement of the eye prior to skin involvement of psoriasis.

Psoriasis-Ltd will improve the symptoms of ocular psoriasis. The design of the Psoriasis-Ltd disk allows for an easy application to the contour of the eye area. The ingredients in Psoriasis-Ltd 'penetrate and migrate' so only a 1/2 second application or a 'touch' application is needed to restore the balance of the ocular psoriasis affected area usually within 7 to 10 days.